Tbilisi, Georgia, 6-8 November, 2024
From Theory to Applied Geography - GSG100
1. Atmosphere
1.1 Meteorology
1.2 Atmosphere Chemistry
2. Biogeography
2.1 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
3. Climate
3.1 Paleoclimate
3.2 Future Climate Predictions
3.3 Climate Change
4. Cryosphere
4.1 Glaciers and Ice Caps
4.2 Permafrost and Seasonally frozen Ground
5. Geodesy, Geoinformatics and Cartography
5.1 Positioning, Navigation and Reference
5.2 Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
5.3 Historical Terrestrial and Aerial Photography
5.4 Location Based Services
5.5 Visualisation and Design
5.6 Cartographic Methods and Applications
5.7 Thematic Cartography
5.8 Atlas Cartography
5.9 Cartographic Heritage
6. Geomorphology
6.1 Forms, Processes and Landscape Change
6.2 Fluvial Geomorphology
6.3 Marine and Coastal Geomorphology
6.4 Karst
6.5 Geohazards and Risk Management
7. Hydrology
7.1 Catchment Hydrology
7.2 Water Quality, Policy, Management and Control
8. Soil
8.1 Soil Structure and Composition
8.2 Digital Soil Mapping
9. Landscape Science
9.1. Theory and Methodology of Landscape Science, Modern Methods of Landscape Research
9.2. Geophysical and Geochemical Aspects of the Study of Landscapes
9.3. Features of the Functioning and Dynamics of Landscapes
9.4. Regional Physical-Geographical and Landscape-Ecological Studies
9.5. Ecological Potential of Landscapes
9.6. Landscape Ecology and Environmental Protection
10. Human Geography
10.1. Economic Geography: Geography of economic branches (Industry and construction, Agriculture, Tourism, Transport, Service Industries, etc.)
10.2. Social Geography: Demogeography (Natural, mechanical movement and age-sex structure of the population; Ethnicity and religion structure; Resettlement; Labour force; Employment; Unemployment; Living conditions, etc). Education Geography; Health Geography.
10.3. Political Geography: Human-geographical location, Administrative Division, Political Systems and Elections, Geopolitical Challenges, security issues, etc.
10.4. Cities, planning and quality of life.
10.5. Gender, identity and feminism
11. Historical Geography, Heritage and Culture
11.1. Toponims
11.2. Cultural Heritage
12. Geographical Education
12.1. Geography in Public Schools
12.2. Geography in HEIs